Saturday, May 27, 2006

well it appears that scribbs has abandoned me for a few weeks (months, whatever). but it doesn't matter because the World Cup is about to start (siiiiiiick!). and that is sure to occupy many of my waking hours. it's a good thing too, because i've recently found myself feeling a bit low. there's a song on the radio right now, and it's doing terrible things to my soul. and yes, it's shitty, and not very deep, and . . . okay, it's a "rap" song. sorta. but it's not the rap that really gets to me . . . well, part of it does, but it's that damn chorus. her voice is mezmorizing and just hits me, deep down, at a place i don't like to talk about at parties.

but back to the song. it's just so overtly sad and about missing someone. and it kind of captures that "Standing in a phonebooth . . ." song's (the one with the B.B. King sample, "I've been downhearted babe, ever since the day we met") sad-music-with-a-hard-beat style magic. and let's face it: that song rocks.

alright, so you've heard the song. it's just alright you say? fine. you don't have to get on board. i'm quite alright being sad by myself. scribbs is saying if you're unhappy about something, either fix it or move on? something like that. well fuck that. he of all people should know that without sadness there is no happiness. one is required to define the other. so there you go, i've dropped a lesson for today. it's just as important to get sad every once in a while as it is to be happy.

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